Talent Attraction

Are you struggling with sourcing, identifying, and attracting talent?

Moving to a skills-centric approach can help solve this challenge

Talent Attraction Graphic of people inside circles all encircling one another with lines drawn between them like a map.

The right talent can be hard to find

As job requirements rapidly evolve due to technology and other forces, many organizations are struggling to keep pace with talent attraction efforts. Left unresolved, this can lead to:

Lower productivity

Higher turnover and costs

Reduced innovation

Negative company culture

Greater legal and PR risks

Competitive disadvantages

A skills-centric approach solves these challenges by enabling you to more effectively tap into talent, wherever it resides.

two women looking at a sheet of paper and discussing talent attraction

Unlocking a skills-centric approach to talent

The key is intelligently mapping skills to roles, something Fuel50’s Skills Architecture solution enables at scale.

Broaden your talent pool by putting skills first

Tap into your existing internal talent pool

Begin adopting a mindset of talent activation

Woman at desk bird's eye view reviewing talent attraction articles

Talent Attraction

Increased retention and engagement

Greater innovation and competitiveness

Higher productivity and innovation

Improved culture and employee morale

Lower costs and reduced spend

Reductions in legal and PR risk

Girl trying to book a demo on a laptop

Increased retention
and engagement

Greater innovation
and competitiveness

Higher productivity
and innovation

Boosted culture and employee morale

Lower costs and
reduced spend

Reductions in legal
and PR risk

“The new Insights function has added an immense layer of value by allowing our organization to have a better view into the skills our employees possess. Being able to understand our skills landscape and get granular data into departments and even singular employees allows us to better prepare for talent needs and skill gaps.”

Zachary McCleary

Senior Learning
Program Owner


Easily find and move talent where it is needed most

The Mobility function within Fuel50’s Talent Marketplace reveals the current skills of your existing workforce.

It delivers the critical visibility needed for scaling talent identification, filling critical open roles fast, improving internal mobility rates, and remaining agile.

Reimagine skills and start bridging talent gaps

Talent Attraction - 2 people on laptop smiling