Talent Technology Research 2021

Talent Technology Research Survey 2021

Fuel50 is committed to understanding how we can better support organizational talent and workforce initiatives, and we understand there is no better way to continually improve our award-winning Talent Marketplace technology than to ask and listen. So we are excited to announce that we have launched the 2021 Talent Technology Research Survey.

Through a series of organizational questions posed to respondents, the anonymous survey seeks to understand the talent technology wants and needs of organizations all over the globe who are strategically supporting their employees and talent development initiatives.

Fuel50 will publish the survey’s anonymized data in our inaugural “State of Talent Technology Report” in early 2022. As a thank you for their time, all respondents will be able to access this report for free as soon as it is ready and will be entered into a draw to win 1 of 10 $100 Amazon gift cards upon submitting their response.

If you have any questions about the survey or how to participate, please reach out to research@fuel50.com. 

Talent Technology Research

Global Talent Mobility Best Practice Research

Fuel50’s Global Talent Mobility Best Practice Research was conducted to understand current talent mobility practices, best-in-class talent mobility, and the imperatives for talent mobility in the future across high-performing organizations around the world. Part 4 of this series of reports covers Leaders & Why Leadership Matters, download the full report at fuel50.co/mobility-research.


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