Internal Recruitment Research Fuel50

NEW Research: Internal Recruitment Practices & Internal Talent Mobility

Internal recruitment, career development, and upskilling are all absolutely in demand right now. People are willing to learn more within their current organization and even their current role. People are actively seeking opportunities to move forward in their careers.

However, our Global Talent Mobility Best Practice Research findings indicate there is significant room for improvement when it comes to internal recruitment and internal talent mobility. And actual rates of internal movement across all organizations are still surprisingly low.

Internal Recruitment Research Fuel50

This discovery led us to question what is stopping organizations from having well embedded internal recruitment practices. And why are organizations still relying so heavily on external recruitment, particularly when they already have people internally who can fill the role with their current skills or grow into the role with minimal training and development?

This brand-new report details four of the top blockers to internal mobility, as highlighted by our research, and includes actionable suggestions for how to overcome them.

We hope you enjoy reading! We are so excited to share our best practice findings with you.

Internal Recruitment Research Fuel50

The business benefits of internal recruitment and talent mobility are incredible. Internal hires cost half as much, take half the time to onboard, and are typically promoted faster. Plus, they have increased engagement and productivity and are less likely to leave.

Fuel50 Research Design

The goals of the study were as follows:

  • To understand current trends in internal talent mobility and workforce
    reskilling across the globe
  • To learn what best-in-class career growth and talent mobility looks like today
  • To ascertain the key imperatives for talent mobility in the coming decade

Read more about our research design and audience here.

Internal Recruitment Research Fuel50


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