Dr John Sullivan on the TalentX Podcast by Fuel50

Dr. John Sullivan: Remote Innovation in the Pandemic Era

“We need to hire people that can handle disruption” – Talent Experience Podcast Ep.04

In this brand new Talent Experience Podcast episode, Dr John Sullivan (HR Professor, Corporate Speaker and Advisor) speaks about all things remote work: remote interviewing, remote onboarding and how to manage a team remotely. John shines a light on remote innovation and debates whether it is possible to innovate while working from home. He also shares what he’s been working on during the lockdown and how, by focusing on the opportunity, it’s been an exciting time for him.

Tune in to the new Fuel50 podcast to learn from key thought-leaders in the talent space as they share how to lead the way in today’s career climate.

People that are highly valuable will still leave. So, you have to have a personalized retention plan that targets those individuals and what they need to stay.
– Dr John Sullivan, Professor, Corporate Speaker and Advisor

We hope you enjoy listening to this episode of the Talent Experience Podcast with Dr John Sullivan! Look forward to sharing more learning with you.

TalentX Podcast Tim Sackett Fuel50
TalentX Podcast John Sumser Fuel50
TalentX Podcast Jeanne Meister Fuel50
TalentX Podcast Dr John Sullivan Fuel50

About Talent Experience Podcast

The Talent Experience Podcast is all about the future of work. Fueled by a passion for creating best-in-class career experiences, and featuring leading HR analysts, industry experts and best-in-class people leaders, the podcast shines the spotlight on future-focused HR trends, workforce agility, and future-proofing the employee experience. Join our growing thought-leadership community and get notified when we release each podcast episode.

Fuel50 Mercer Webinar

Webinar: A Discussion About the Mercer Global Trends Report 2020

Join Fuel50 and Mercer on June 17, 4pm GMT+1 (London) as we discuss the timely release of the Mercer Global Talent Trends Report, helping you to make sense of a post-pandemic world.


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